Math Tricks For Kids

Maths is a subject that many children find hard to grasp. However, if kids learn some basic math tricks at a young age, they will be able to understand and solve common problems much easier.

Math Tricks For Kids

One of the most fascinating math tricks for kids involves prediction. It is a fun mind game that can help your kids to develop their numerical literacy skills and make them more confident in math.


If your child is dreading learning multiplication, there are plenty of easy ways to make it more interesting. Here are ten multiplication tricks that will make the subject more fun, and help your kids grasp it quickly.

1. Use physical objects

When it comes to learning new concepts, the best way to get kids excited about it is to associate it with something they already know. Using physical objects like erasers, paper clips or stickers can help them to relate the idea of multiplication to other math topics.

2. Relate multiplication to repeated addition

Another way to make learning multiplication fun is by teaching it as repeated addition. This will help your kids to understand the concept better and will allow them to memorize their multiplication facts faster.

3. Use a strategic order to teach your kids the facts

When teaching children to multiply, it is important to use a strategy that will make it easier for them to remember the answers. This will ensure that they can remember the multiplication expressions correctly without relying on a calculator.

4. Think in groups

When your child is learning to multiply, try to give them practical examples that will help them to understand the concept. This can be done by using real-life examples or giving them puzzles to solve.

5. Practice consistently

Once your child has learned to multiply, practice it frequently by challenging them to find the product of a multiplication expression without a calculator. This will help them to improve their ability to remember the facts and their ability to solve problems quickly.

6. Create sentences

When it comes to learning the facts, it is important for kids to be able to write their answers. This will help them to understand the concept and will also prepare them for future mathematics classes.

7. Solve multiplication expressions easily

When you need to solve a multiplication expression, hold out both of your hands and bend down the fourth finger from the left side. This will make the number 36.

By using this trick, you can help your child to understand that the number 45 is the answer to the multiplication sentence 4 x 9. They will see that the number of fingers up to the left and those up to the right are equal to the number of fingers up to the left and up to the right of the bent finger.

Subtraction – Math Tricks For Kids

Subtraction is a very useful math skill for kids to learn. It can be applied to simple tasks like counting the number of apples in a pile of six, and to more complex ones such as calculating how many organisms die each year in an ecosystem.

There are several ways to teach and practice subtraction, but there are some tricks that will help kids to develop their skills quickly. These include making a number line, using manipulatives to solve problems, and learning mental math tricks.

One of the best ways to teach subtraction is through word problems. These are a great way to get children thinking about the concept of subtraction and will be useful in real life scenarios later on.

Another good way to practice subtraction is through a number pyramid. This activity is simple to do and can be fun for children.

The first step is to place the numerals into patterns and have children determine which numbers are a part of the larger number underneath. You can use commercial manipulatives or simply household items to create a number pyramid, but you don’t need any fancy equipment.

Next, have your child practice the strategy of adding and subtracting in their head. This will allow them to solve more difficult problems quickly and accurately.

Teaching your child to mentally calculate is a good practice for all types of mathematics. It is especially useful for subtraction, because it helps students think about the relationship between the two digits of a number and how that relates to the sum of the digits.

A number line can be a helpful tool in subtraction because it allows your child to draw on the numbers that they need for the calculation and then space them out as they work. They will likely learn to use number lines at school, so make a few for your child to have on hand at home too.

You can also teach your child to make the minus sign “minus” instead of “take away.” This makes the concept of minus sign much more flexible and helps them to understand that “minus” is a different type of interpretation than “take away.” The minus sign is used in many math problems, but you may want to encourage your child to think about the minus sign differently when they are solving problems alone.

Addition – Tricky Maths Questions For Kids

When it comes to adding numbers, kids can use a number of different tricks to make the process a lot easier. These tricks can help them understand the concept of addition more easily, and they can even improve their numeric literacy!

Mental math Trick #1: Break the numbers into tens and ones. This strategy is particularly helpful for students who are struggling with their numbers. It helps them visualize the digits and their placement in a number so that they can work out the problem mentally.

For example, if you have 56 and 62, you can break the two numbers into tens and ones by mentally adding the tens place (56 becomes 50 & 6) and the ones place (6 + 2 = 8). Then you just have to add the two to get the total (110 + 8).

Another mental math trick is to round the numbers to the nearest ten when you add them together. This makes them much easier to add because they are rounded to the same value. This is also a good way to increase reasoning in math and can be especially useful when students are trying to solve complex equations.

In early addition, it is important to teach the commutative property, which means that every time you multiply two numbers by the same digit, the resulting number will have the same digit. This is a fact that students will continue to revisit throughout their math education, so it is important to teach it as early as possible.

Children will also learn to think about numbers in more abstract ways, such as comparing fractions or converting six-digit numbers into three-digit numbers. These concepts can be extremely difficult for some students, but they can be mastered with the right amount of practice and understanding.

Using games and worksheets to practice these facts is an excellent way to make sure that your child can master them without rote memory. It also gives you an opportunity to monitor her progress and ensure that she is using the strategy correctly. If she is having trouble with any of the strategies, it’s often worth reviewing them again so that she can catch any mistakes before they become ingrained.


Division is one of the most challenging math operations, but it can be taught in a way that makes it easier for kids. These fun and simple math tricks can make learning it much more accessible. They can also boost confidence and help students develop the skills they need to succeed in school.

The first trick is to teach kids how to multiply a two or three-digit number by 11. This is a great way for them to learn a quick method to work out multiplication problems, especially when they’re younger.

To do this, you’ll need a calculator and some paper. Show the child a three-digit number and ask them to add 2 to it, then place the sum in between the digits they need to multiply by 11.

Next, show them how to multiply this number by 11 again, using a different set of digits. This time, the answer is 2 (2 + 5) 5.

In addition to teaching the child how to multiply a number by 11, this trick also helps them learn the basics of place value systems. They’ll also understand that when a number is divided by 10, it slides one place to the right, while when it’s divided by 100, it moves two places to the right.

Another cool trick for kids to learn is to use the inverse operation to work out division questions. This can be done using counters. For example, when they’re asked to divide 60 into 28 equal groups, they could try 29 x 3 or 84 x 3.

If you want to make this a fun, active lesson, play the Division Game from Brighterly. It’s a great way to get children thinking about the concept of division with remainders, as they’ll be playing a fun, competitive game that helps them practice their skill while learning the concept.

To finish off, a third math trick for kids is to use the digits in a three-digit number to find the age of a person. It’s a simple, yet effective way for kids to practice arithmetic and find out the age of their friends and family members.